Announcing the launch of PowerShell Magazine website!

Today, we are very happy to announce the launch of – a magazine dedicated to Windows PowerShell.

What an exciting journey this was! A while ago, I started with this thought of a magazine for PowerShell specific content. I sketched the outline I thought was good and shared those details with Aleksandar Nikolic. Being a great technical reviewer, Aleksandar is very keen on details. He refined the outline I’d proposed and we were ready to start the “real” work. We got some great minds from the PowerShell community with us. We invited Doug Finke, Robert Robelo, Shay Levy, and Steven Murawski to be a part of the founding team and editor’s panel. After less than two months, we just did the website launch and are working hard to release the first edition in October.

The launch of the website is just the beginning. We are not done yet and will continue to refine the look and feel of the site. You will see us posting lot of “online only” content that may not get into the first edition of PowerShell Magazine. You can take a tour of the website’s content using the navigation menu just below the magazine logo or tag cloud in the sidebar. We will make sure to keep this interactive by posting brainteasers, quizzes, and many more!

We have also enabled simplified UI for the mobile devices such as iPhone, etc. We will enable many more features in the coming days for better portable device experience.

We are already working on the second and third editions of PowerShell Magazine. If you are keen on writing for us, feel free to submit your proposal. If you are keen on sponsoring the articles or placing your ad banners on this site, reach us at

We will interact with you on all available social networks (more or less!) to get your feedback and comments. You can follow us on Twitter at @PowerShellMag, become a fan of our Facebook page, or just send us an email at

Tell us what is your first impression of this site and what we need to improve by leaving comments here. Happy reading!

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