PowerShell Community Extensions
I started the PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) project to fill in some of the gaps in the set of built-in Windows PowerShell commands. Over the years, some of the PSCX command equivalents have made their way into Windows PowerShell including Start-Process, Select-Xml, Get-WebService_,_ and Get-Random. However, for anyone who has used the standard set of UNIX utilities via packages such as cygwin or MKS Toolkit knows, there are still quite a few missing commands in Windows PowerShell. Here are some of my favorites that PSCX provides.
One of the first cmdlets I missed was a PowerShell equivalent to the octal dump (od) utility. In PowerShell terms, we would call this a formatter as in Format-Hex:
Another PSCX formatter I use a lot is the Format-Xml cmdlet. This cmdlet is great for viewing pesky single-line, 8000 character wide XML files:
PS> $xml = '<doc><title name="foo" desc="bar"/></doc>' PS> $xml | Format-Xml –AttributesOnNewLine <doc> <title name="foo" desc="bar" /> </doc>
As a developer, I deal with lots of XML files (app.config files, MSBuild and TeamBuild project files, etc). One cmdlet I find very handy to use on these XML files before checking them in is Test-Xml:
PS> '<doc><title></doc>' | Test-Xml –Verbose VERBOSE: The 'title' start tag on line 1 does not match the end tag of 'doc'. Line 1, position 15. False
The Test-Xml cmdlet verifies that the XML is well-formed and if a schema is provided it will also validate the XML against the schema.
I’ve contributed a number of PowerShell scripts to our build and test processes. Those PowerShell scripts can break our build if I’m not careful when I’m checking in updates. I use the Test-Script cmdlet to make sure a script is free of syntax errors before checking it in:
PS> 'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++){$i}' | Test-Script WARNING: Parse error on line:1 char:12 - The '<' operator is reserved for future use. False
Note: the Test-Script cmdlet uses the PSParser tokenizer provided in PowerShell v2 which only catches syntax errors and not runtime errors.
If you’ve ever needed to execute a batch file to modify environment variables for the current PowerShell session, then Invoke-BatchFile will come in very handy. Normally with the execution of a batch file, the new environment variable definitions exist only in the spawned cmd.exe process. Invoke-BatchFile will import those environment variable definitions back into the PowerShell session that executed the batch file. I use this command to import Visual Studio environment variables into my PowerShell session:
PS> Invoke-BatchFile "${env:VS100COMNTOOLS}..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
For developers, the Test-Assembly cmdlet can be useful in your build scripts. For example, when you need to re-sign partially signed assemblies you don’t want to apply the re-signing utility to native DLLs:
PS> Get-ChildItem *.dll | where {Test-Assembly $_} | >> foreach {sn.exe -R $_ key.snk} >>
One of the commands that can be useful to any PowerSheller is a native application called echoargs.exe. You use it when you’re trying to troubleshoot problems passing arguments to native applications. You stand a much better chance of fixing the problem if you can see what PowerShell is passing to the native application. echoargs.exe is used as a stand-in for your application. All it does is showing you the command line arguments that PowerShell passes to the application. This Team Foundation command fails when executed in PoweShell: tf.exe status . /r /workspace:*;hillr. If you substitute echoargs for the .exe file, then you can see what is going on:
PS> echoargs status . /r /workspace:*;hillr Arg 0 is <status> Arg 1 is <.> Arg 2 is </r> Arg 3 is </workspace:*>
The term hillr is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet.
echoargs shows that the ;hillr part of the argument doesn’t even make it to the application. The problem is that the “;” character is a statement separator in PowerShell. You need to put quotes around the argument to ensure it gets to tf.exe in one piece:
PS> echoargs status . /r '/workspace:*;hillr' Arg 0 is <status> Arg 1 is <.> Arg 2 is </r> Arg 3 is </workspace:*;hillr>
There are many more useful PSCX commands such as Set-FileTime, Set-Writable, Set-ReadOnly, Unblock-File, and Show-Tree. Hopefully I’ve piqued your interest in the PowerShell Community Extensions. If so, give PSCX a try at http://pscx.codeplex.com.
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