The complete list of PowerShell ISE 3.0 keyboard shortcuts
In a previous tip I showed a new hidden keyboard shortcut to transpose lines of code in the ISE. At the PowerShell Facebook group, Dave Carnahan was wondering if there’s a way to pull all of the ISE related hot keys.
Dave, this is for you. 🙂
All shortcuts are contained in the ISE Microsoft.PowerShell.GPowerShell assembly (DLL). We first need to get a reference to that DLL.
PS> $gps = $psISE.GetType().Assembly
PS> $gps
GAC Version Location
--- ------- --------
True v4.0.30319 C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.PowerShell.GPowerShell\...
Then we can get a list of all the resources in this assembly:
PS> $gps.GetManifestResourceNames()
Next we create a ResourceManager object which provides access to the assembly resources. We pass it the name of the resource we want to access without the .resources extension, and the assembly containing the resources.
$rm = New-Object System.Resources.ResourceManager GuiStrings,$gps
All that’s left is calling the GetResourceSet() method to retrieve the resource set for a particular culture.
$rs = $rm.GetResourceSet((Get-Culture),$true,$true)
Name Value
---- -----
SnippetToolTipPath Path: {0}
MediumSlateBlueColorName Medium Slate Blue
EditorBoxSelectLineDownShor... Alt+Shift+Down
NewRunspace N_ew PowerShell Tab
EditorSelectToPreviousChara... Shift+Left
RemoveAllBreakpointsShortcut Ctrl+Shift+F9
SaveScriptQuestion Save {0}?
Looking at the output we can see that the highlighted items value resembles key combinations. If you look at your output you will notice items with a name that ends with ‘Shortcut’ (with or without a trailing digit) and items that relates to Function keys. They start with F, followed by a digit or two and the word ‘Keyboard’. With the following line we can filter all keyboard related items and sort them out.
$rs | where Name -match 'Shortcut\d?$|^F\d+Keyboard' | Sort-Object Value
Here’s the full code snippet and the full result, start digging 😉
UPDATE: Thanks to June Blender Rogers for reporting this. It looks like the list was missing one shortcut: Go to match – Ctrl+]. It doesn’t appear in the list and it’s likely hard-coded in the menu item. PowerShell scripts are full with brace/bracket/parenthesis characters and sometimes you may find it hard to locate the closing or opening bracket. In these cases, the ‘Go to match’ keyboard shortcut comes very handy. Just place the cursor in front of a bracket and press the shortcut key combination; you’ll see it jumping to the matching one and highlighting it.
$gps = $psISE.GetType().Assembly
$rm = New-Object System.Resources.ResourceManager GuiStrings,$gps
$rs = $rm.GetResourceSet((Get-Culture),$true,$true)
$rs | where Name -match 'Shortcut\d?$|^F\d+Keyboard' | Sort-Object Value | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name Value
---- -----
EditorUndoShortcut2 Alt+Backspace
EditorSelectNextSiblingShortcut Alt+Down
ExitShortcut Alt+F4
EditorSelectEnclosingShortcut Alt+Left
EditorSelectFirstChildShortcut Alt+Right
EditorRedoShortcut2 Alt+Shift+Backspace
EditorBoxSelectLineDownShortcut Alt+Shift+Down
ToggleHorizontalAddOnPaneShortcut Alt+Shift+H
EditorBoxSelectToPreviousCharacterShortcut Alt+Shift+Left
EditorBoxSelectToNextCharacterShortcut Alt+Shift+Right
EditorTransposeLineShortcut Alt+Shift+T
EditorBoxSelectLineUpShortcut Alt+Shift+Up
ToggleVerticalAddOnPaneShortcut Alt+Shift+V
EditorSelectPreviousSiblingShortcut Alt+Up
ShowScriptPaneTopShortcut Ctrl+1
ShowScriptPaneRightShortcut Ctrl+2
ShowScriptPaneMaximizedShortcut Ctrl+3
EditorSelectAllShortcut Ctrl+A
ZoomIn1Shortcut Ctrl+Add
EditorMoveCurrentLineToBottomShortcut Ctrl+Alt+End
EditorMoveCurrentLineToTopShortcut Ctrl+Alt+Home
EditorDeleteWordToLeftShortcut Ctrl+Backspace
StopExecutionShortcut Ctrl+Break
StopAndCopyShortcut Ctrl+C
GoToConsoleShortcut Ctrl+D
EditorDeleteWordToRightShortcut Ctrl+Del
EditorScrollDownAndMoveCaretIfNecessaryShortcut Ctrl+Down
EditorMoveToEndOfDocumentShortcut Ctrl+End
FindShortcut Ctrl+F
ShowCommandShortcut Ctrl+F1
CloseScriptShortcut Ctrl+F4
GoToLineShortcut Ctrl+G
ReplaceShortcut Ctrl+H
EditorMoveToStartOfDocumentShortcut Ctrl+Home
GoToEditorShortcut Ctrl+I
Copy2Shortcut Ctrl+Ins
ShowSnippetShortcut Ctrl+J
EditorMoveToPreviousWordShortcut Ctrl+Left
ToggleOutliningExpansionShortcut Ctrl+M
ZoomOut3Shortcut Ctrl+Minus
NewScriptShortcut Ctrl+N
OpenScriptShortcut Ctrl+O
GoToMatchShortcut Ctrl+Oem6
ZoomIn3Shortcut Ctrl+Plus
ToggleScriptPaneShortcut Ctrl+R
EditorMoveToNextWordShortcut Ctrl+Right
SaveScriptShortcut Ctrl+S
ZoomIn2Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Add
GetCallStackShortcut Ctrl+Shift+D
EditorSelectToEndOfDocumentShortcut Ctrl+Shift+End
RemoveAllBreakpointsShortcut Ctrl+Shift+F9
HideHorizontalAddOnToolShortcut Ctrl+Shift+H
EditorSelectToStartOfDocumentShortcut Ctrl+Shift+Home
ListBreakpointsShortcut Ctrl+Shift+L
EditorSelectToPreviousWordShortcut Ctrl+Shift+Left
ZoomOut4Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Minus
StartPowerShellShortcut Ctrl+Shift+P
ZoomIn4Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Plus
NewRemotePowerShellTabShortcut Ctrl+Shift+R
EditorSelectToNextWordShortcut Ctrl+Shift+Right
ZoomOut2Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Subtract
EditorMakeUppercaseShortcut Ctrl+Shift+U
HideVerticalAddOnToolShortcut Ctrl+Shift+V
IntellisenseShortcut Ctrl+Space
ZoomOut1Shortcut Ctrl+Subtract
NewRunspaceShortcut Ctrl+T
EditorMakeLowercaseShortcut Ctrl+U
EditorScrollUpAndMoveCaretIfNecessaryShortcut Ctrl+Up
Paste1Shortcut Ctrl+V
CloseRunspaceShortcut Ctrl+W
Cut1Shortcut Ctrl+X
EditorRedoShortcut1 Ctrl+Y
EditorUndoShortcut1 Ctrl+Z
F1KeyboardDisplayName F1
HelpShortcut F1
StepOverShortcut F10
F10KeyboardDisplayName F10
StepIntoShortcut F11
F11KeyboardDisplayName F11
F12KeyboardDisplayName F12
F2KeyboardDisplayName F2
FindNextShortcut F3
F3KeyboardDisplayName F3
F4KeyboardDisplayName F4
RunScriptShortcut F5
F5KeyboardDisplayName F5
F6KeyboardDisplayName F6
F7KeyboardDisplayName F7
RunSelectionShortcut F8
F8KeyboardDisplayName F8
F9KeyboardDisplayName F9
ToggleBreakpointShortcut F9
EditorDeleteCharacterToLeftShortcut Shift+Backspace
Cut2Shortcut Shift+Del
EditorSelectLineDownShortcut Shift+Down
EditorSelectToEndOfLineShortcut Shift+End
EditorInsertNewLineShortcut Shift+Enter
StepOutShortcut Shift+F11
FindPreviousShortcut Shift+F3
StopDebuggerShortcut Shift+F5
EditorSelectToStartOfLineShortcut Shift+Home
Paste2Shortcut Shift+Ins
EditorSelectToPreviousCharacterShortcut Shift+Left
EditorSelectPageDownShortcut Shift+PgDn
EditorSelectPageUpShortcut Shift+PgUp
EditorSelectToNextCharacterShortcut Shift+Right
EditorSelectLineUpShortcut Shift+Up
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