PSPublicAPI – Module For Listing Free APIs For Use in Software and Web Development
The Public APIs repository on GitHub has a list of free APIs that you can use in software and web development. This is a great resource for finding out if there is a free public API for a specific task at hand. For example, if your application requires weather data, you can take a look at several free API options available and select the one that works for you. I have been following this repository and they have recently added something useful — a public API to query for public APIs!
I quickly created a new PowerShell module that wraps around the public API for the public APIs!
You can install this module from the gallery as well.
There are four commands in this module.
Get-PSPublicAPICategory Gets a list of categories for the public API.
Get-PSPublicAPIHealth Gets the health state of public API service.
Get-PSPublicAPIEntry Gets specific APIs or all API entries from the public API service.
Get-PSPublicAPIRandomEntry Gets a random API entry public API service or a random API entry matching a specific criteria.
The commands are pretty much self-explained and you can find the docs for each command here.
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